Spring in Dovrefjell-Sunndalsfjella National Park is unpredictable. One year it might arrive as early as April, the next as late as June. The spring period is often characterized by fast-flowing rivers and poor snow conditions, which can make both hiking and skiing difficult. Some parts of the area have been adapted with T-marked trails during the summer period, but not much adaptation takes place in the winter. If you want to go skiing, you must be prepared to take advantage of the night frost that lasts until late morning. As soon as the sun warms things up and the snow begins to melt, the conditions become very challenging. It is important to note that the wild reindeer calving season takes place in May and the first half of June, and that disturbances may lead to female reindeer losing or leaving their calves. Show consideration and feel free to choose destinations and activities in the villages around the protected areas in winter and spring – you will find fantastic ski trails and a multitude of activities.

The transition from spring to summer can happen very quickly the mountains, and often takes place in mid-June. Summer in the mountains is short, and is often over when we reach August. This time of year is usually dry and stable in the east, while a cooler and more humid type of weather can be found in the west. Remember that every month of the year might see snow throughout the entire area. If you would like to see the musk oxen, we hope you join a guided tour – it is advantageous for both you and the animals. Summer is the time to head to the Norwegian Wild Reindeer Centre and viewpoint SNØHETTA, or climb fantastic mountains such as Snøhetta and Romsdalseggen ridge. If you set off on one of these trips, make sure you have good hiking boots and appropriate outdoor clothing, you may risk meeting all four seasons in one single day. Remember to also bring along plenty of water, there are not many places to fill your water bottle.Autumn
Autumn often announces its arrival in early August and lasts until mid-October. The weather can change abruptly in the mountains, and autumn is no exception. Great autumn weather can turn into full-blown winter during the course of one day. Autumn’s fantastic array of colors makes it many people’s favorite season in the mountains, but you are responsible for assessing the weather and your level of fitness and skills, and be prepared with suitable clothes and equipment.. Autumn is the hunting season, so expect to meet hunters in the mountains from 20 August to mid-September. It is especially important to show consideration towards each other during this period.